MOVEMENT MAGIC - package of Games


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The games of the MOVEMENT MAGIC package were developed with help of Agnieszka Gierek-Kęsik and Irmina Buczek. The games help in rehabilitation, education and revalidation for children and adolescents suffering from various deficits. The presented games correct, stimulate distorted perception, improve motoric functions, introduce somatognosia (orientation on a body diagram) and orientation in space, as well as give a chance to regulate emotions and express them. Using the Funtronic Floor encourages the child to act independently and beat another difficulty levels. The distinctive colours and homogenous, bright backgrounds of the applications serve the purpose of not distracting but focusing attention on the actual activities. The transparency and accessibility in sound receipt or the option of adjusting it are a clear advantage. All the active elements are slightly bigger, the dynamics of the game was slowed down in order for the child to have enough time to achieve success. The applications have two difficulty levels to choose from, so that everyone, regardless of their deficits, can adjust the level to their individual abilities. A very important motivational point is introducing a prize for the participants after a successfully completed task (applause, clapping, smile). Part of the application was designed in vertical direction in order to prolong the movement of the elements on Funtronic Floor, which prolongs the time of attention focus. Since the child has more time to complete the task, the chance of achieving success, for which there always is a prize, is increased. Funtronic Floor supports designing education and revalidation workshops. Properly designed games are a perfect education-revalidation-rehabilitation tool in Sensory Rooms, nurseries, kindergartens, school common rooms, outside the school, therapy- and playrooms, stimulating the senses and teaching the participants of the game creativity, independence or cooperation. The package supports:
  • Improving the eye-hand perception,
  • Motoric development (fluidity of movement),
  • Lowering or intensifying muscle tension
  • Strengthening the feeling of responsibility, self-esteem,
  • Introduction of somatognosia (orientation on a body diagram)
  • Integration of senses,
  • Correction and stimulation of distorted perception,
  • Skill in the field of regulating emotions and expressing them,
  • Creating a chance of optimal, universal development for the children.
Addressed disorders:
  • Developmental (psycho-motoric) disorders, e.g. delay in gross (body) and small (hands) motoric development,
  • Improving visual analysis and synthesis,
  • Synchronisation of visual and motoric functions,
  • Cooperation of visual, auditory-language, motoric functions,
  • Improvement and perfection of certain psycho-motoric functions in cases of slower development pace in comparison to the child’s age
Applied methods:
  • Work Centres method
  • Felicia Affolter’s method
  • Games method
  • Good Start method
  • Gardner’s 8 intelligences method
  • "Grym Brain" method
  • Vygotsky’s pre-school education method
  • Glenn Doman’s method
  • Ten Squares method
  • Veronica Sherborne’s method
  • Bon Depart method
  • N.C Kephart’s method
MOVEMENT MAGIC contains the following interactive games:

Sound-visual-hearing game - picking proper pairs of musical instruments.

Relaxation game - playing with a kaleidoscope.

Hearing-visual game – recognising objects and sounds in house environment.

Hearing-visual game - recognising types and sounds of vehicles.

Movement-visual game - matching shapes with the model displayed.

Movement-visual game - painting, playing with colours, shapes.

Hearing-visual game - recognising figures and sounds of animals.

Visual game - memorising and discovering pairs of identical pictures.

Movement-visual game - recognising and matching elements with their models.

Movement-visual game - taking care of flowers in a garden.

Movement coordination game - leading objects (animals, things) across a labirynth.


Dexterity game - catching shells emerging from water.

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Motoric game – repeating gymnastic exercises performed by the people in the game.

Dexterity – hearing – visual game – splashing water from a puddle.
A movement coordination game - ironing specific parts of clothing.             