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EDU PRE-SCHOOL - package of Games

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MOVEMENT MAGIC - package of Games

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190,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

231,80 € Prices inc. VAT

CYCLING LICENSE - package of Games

265,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

323,30 € Prices inc. VAT

FUNCODING I - package of Games

340,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

414,80 € Prices inc. VAT

FUNCODING II - package of Games

340,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

414,80 € Prices inc. VAT

EDU - package of Games

455,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

555,10 € Prices inc. VAT

REW - package of Games

455,00 € W/O VAT, delivery, customs

555,10 € Prices inc. VAT


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W/O VAT, delivery, customs

Edu Pre-school package is an innovative solution which stimulates the process of learning for children in pre-school age (3-6 years) based on new technologies and the Funtronic Method. The package is designed to fulfill the four fields of core curriculum for pre-school education: physical, social, emotional and cognitive fields. The package includes 16 interactive games, exercises and educational situations designed for activities involving the Funtronic Floor, as well as the description of their methodical background.


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The games of the MOVEMENT MAGIC package were developed with help of Agnieszka Gierek-Kęsik and Irmina Buczek. The games help in rehabilitation, education and revalidation for children and adolescents suffering from various deficits. The presented games correct, stimulate distorted perception, improve motoric functions, introduce somatognosia (orientation on a body diagram) and orientation in space, as well as give a chance to regulate emotions and express them. Using the Funtronic Floor encourages the child to act independently and beat another difficulty levels. The distinctive colours and homogenous, bright backgrounds of the applications serve the purpose of not distracting but focusing attention on the actual activities. The transparency and accessibility in sound receipt or the option of adjusting it are a clear advantage. All the active elements are slightly bigger, the dynamics of the game was slowed down in order for the child to have enough time to achieve success. The applications have two difficulty levels to choose from, so that everyone, regardless of their deficits, can adjust the level to their individual abilities. A very important motivational point is introducing a prize for the participants after a successfully completed task (applause, clapping, smile). Part of the application was designed in vertical direction in order to prolong the movement of the elements on Funtronic Floor, which prolongs the time of attention focus. Since the child has more time to complete the task, the chance of achieving success, for which there always is a prize, is increased. Funtronic Floor supports designing education and revalidation workshops. Properly designed games are a perfect education-revalidation-rehabilitation tool in Sensory Rooms, nurseries, kindergartens, school common rooms, outside the school, therapy- and playrooms, stimulating the senses and teaching the participants of the game creativity, independence or cooperation.


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The Executive Functions Development Stimulation Programme is an attractive alternative to traditional forms of therapy and support of the child’s development. The programme has evolved on the basis of an innovative concept of the work with a child described as the Integration of Executive Functions, that focuses on resources of the child (in the area of the closest development), not the deficits. The teacher or a therapist does not teach and provide ready solutions, but instead they stimulate a child to seek for their own solutions.


190,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

An ENG set contains games intended to learning English for children of preschool and early school levels. There are two sets available ENG I and ENG II.


265,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

These games will help children in preparing for the cycling license exam. These game pack features a few quiz games. They will test you on the knowledge regarding road traffic regulations.


340,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

The package is dedicated for kindergartens and pre-schools (grade 0). Funcoding I contains games supporting learning programming. The package is integrated with the teaching materials „Funcoding in kindergarten”. The games are of mathematical-environmental-logical-musical themes and develop visual-motor-spatial coordination and computational thinking. Additionally, they contain coding-decoding elements, and an object control. A Funcoding set allows for learning programming without using a PC by means of fun and movement. This set is for kindergartens.


340,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

The package is dedicated for primary schools (grades 1-3). Funcoding II contains games supporting learning programming. The package is integrated with the teaching materials „Funcoding at school. Primary education”. The games are of mathematical-environmental-logical-musical themes and develop visual-motor-spatial coordination and computational thinking. Additionally, they contain coding-decoding elements, and an object control. A Funcoding set allows for learning programming without using a PC by means of fun and movement. This set is for Primary School, Grades 1-3.


455,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

An EDU set contains specifically educational games dedicated for children of school ages (primary and junior high schools). The set has been designed based on a Funtronic Method that incorporates education with fun and contains elements of gamification. The set contains 48 games of different subjects taught in the school. The set can be easy adapted to local core curriculum just by changing questions.


455,00 €

W/O VAT, delivery, customs

This is a set of rehabilitation games. Due to therapy requirements, all the games of this set have more vivid colours, uniform and light background, and decreased number of objects moving on the screen. Moreover, all objects are of a bigger size, and the dynamics of the games is lowered. As a result, it makes games more accessible for reception and games prove to be an effective tool for therapy of children with special needs.